Full Moon Meditations
Every cycle of the moon is an opportunity to check in - below are our full moon meditations all written by Sara and Chris, then recorded here at Kanzeon Sound Studios.
Old Moons
Wolf Moon
Mudra: Abhaya Mudra
Raise your right hand to shoulder height with the arm bent. Face your palm outward with the fingers joined together as if to begin a wave to a friend. Allow your left hand to fall in your lap, palm up to the moonlit sky.
Snow Moon
Mudra: Tarjani Mudra
​Begin by holding your palms in the front of your solar plexus, located just below the xyphoid process of your sternum and above the navel. Gently press the tips of the index fingers together at your midline. Allow the remaining fingers to curl into your palms. Keep your elbows held slightly away from the body with your forearms parallel to the ground, relax the shoulders down, back, and keep your spine straight.
Worm Moon
Mudra: Prithivi (Earth) Mudra
​Simply place the tips of the thumbs and ring fingers together with light pressure and extend the other fingers. Allow the back of your hands to rest on your knees or thighs and maintain a straight posture while relaxing the shoulders down and back.
Pink Moon
Mudra: Jala or Buddhi Mudra
Bring the thumb and pinky finger together on each hand, allow the other fingers to gently relax, and rest your hands on your lap with your palms facing up.
Flower Moon
Mudra: Padma (Lotus) Mudra
To begin, bring the palms of your hands together at your heart’s center as if praying. Keeping the base of your hands, your thumbs and pinky fingers together allow the remaining fingers to gently open like the petals of a blossoming flower.
Strawberry Moon
Mudra: Prana Mudra
It’s almost like giving the peace sign but you keep your index and middle fingers touching. You can do this with both hands, one hand, or no hands if you choose not to use a mudra.
Buck Moon
Mudra: Madhyama Mudra
Pop up your middle finger on both hands – you know you’ve done that before. Then touch the tips of those middle fingers together, palms side toward your body at the level of your solar plexus.
Sturgeon Moon
Mudra: Ganesha Mudra - Bring hands together at heart center in prayer pose, rotate fingers to they point toward your elbow with the right hand facing your body, then fold fingers into each other to create a tight grip.
Harvest Moon
Mudra: Kubera Mudra - Touch the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers together on each hand, allow the ring and pinky fingers to curl into your palm and with your best Italian accent shake those hands and say "What's a matter fo you!" kidding, just let them lie in your lap.
Hunter Moon
Mudra: Gyan Mudra - Touch the index and finger and thumb together to create a circle, allow your remaining three fingers on each hand to outstretch straight and relax hands palm up on your thighs if seated or next to your body if lying down.
Beaver Moon
Mudra: Gyan Mudra - Touch the index and finger and thumb together to create a circle, allow your remaining three fingers on each hand to outstretch straight and relax hands palm up on your thighs if seated or next to your body if lying down.
Cold Moon
Mudra: Dhyana Mudra - sit comfortably, rest your hands in your lap with palms facing upward. Place you right hand over your left hand and gently touch the thumbs together to create the shape of a triangle.